SXSW 2024 Day 9 Recap
March 15
We asked our younger SXSW fam to interpret 2020 Music Festival Showcasing Artists for the February issue of SXSWorld. We love them all so much, we're putting up every single one here. We might be a little biased, but these creative kids have made masterpieces. Explore kids drawings of 2020 artists below.
The Underground Youth by Samantha, age 8
Luna Luna by Harper, age 8
musclecars by Jet, age 6
Campfire Social by Grace, age 14
Russian Baths by Mia, age 12
Cloud Rat by Tayler, age 10
Sloppy Jane by Sophia, age 10
Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs by Leo, age 4
Vanishing Twin by Atticus, age 3
The Wandering Hearts by Camila, age 6
Horse Jumper of Love by Lydia, age 7
Swim Deep by Fiona, age 4
Suburban Living by Leela, age 15
Elephant Stone by Ezra, age 4
Stealing Sheep by Taegan, age 8
Stealing Sheep by Samantha, age 8
Rosehip Teahouse by Mia, age 12
Porridge Radio by Tayler, age 10
The Sherlocks by Olivia, age 6
Riders Against the Storm by Major, age 10
Weird Milk by Kai, age 10
Pom Pom Squad by Eva, age 6
Western Youth by Ezra, age 4
Mr.Kitty by Samantha, age 8
Momma by Atticus, age 3
Manifest Destiny's Child by Eva, age 6
Making Movies by Rumi, age 9
Lunar Vacation by Wylie, age 7
LIFE by Maggie, age 5
Alien Tango by William, age 6
Beabadoobee by Samantha, age 8
Beabadoobee by Camila, age 6
Kings of the Beach by Emma, age 4
Hedonutopia by Pablo, age 6
Goon by Fiona, age 4
Ruby Boots, by Jet, age 6
Good Morning by Maggie, age 5
China Bears by Taegan, age 8
Cape Weather by Marlo, age 10
Boy Scouts by Johnnie, age 3
Bourgeois Mystics by Marlo, age 10
Big Mountain County by Harper, age 8
Bad Waitress by Presley, age 8
Flyying Colours by Elaina, age 9
Babeheaven by Olivia, age 6
American Werewolf Academy by Wylie, age 7
Alex the Astronaut by Taegan, age 8
Bandits on the Run by Pablo, age 6
Sleeping Brain by James, age 8
Psychic Bloom by Charley Rae, age 8
Night Dreamer by Emily, age 7
Sour Widows by Franck, age 50
Russian Baths by Franck, age 50
Pizzagirl, by Wolfie, age 4
Alien Tango by Wolfie, age 4
American Werewolf Academy by Wolfie, age 4
March 15
March 15
March 14
March 13
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